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Masters Rules 2005

Listed below are the rules for the 2005 Warm Water Master held on Terrapin Creek


  Rainbow Fly-Fishing Club “Fly-Fishing Masters Competition”



                        Warm Water Master Tournament


1.     Qualifying

A.   The 6 top qualifying two member teams from the Accuracy Casting

Competition held on Saturday, March 5th, 2005 will be the ones fishing in this tournament.

2.     Date And Place

A.   The tournament will be held on Saturday, April 9th, 2005 at          Terrapin Creek.

B.    The qualifying teams should meet at 6:00 a.m. at Terrapin Creek.

C.   The tournament will be from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. with a one hour lunch.

D.   If weather should not permit the fishing tournament to take place on April 9th, 2005, the fishing tournament will be rescheduled for another date.

3.     Two Person Teams

A.   The qualifying teams will be fishing in two member teams.

B.    You are allowed to bring three rods per person per team to fish

this tournament. (This will be a total of 6 rods per two member team).

C.   You can bring any fly rod you want to use for this tournament.

4.     Counting Fish

A.   The Bass and Bream caught will be counted per beat.

B.    The total fish you can count per beat will be 4 Bass and 10 Bream per two member team.

C.   Bass – must be Redeye, Spot, or Large Mouth.

D.   All Bass caught will count in inches.

E.    The first Bass you catch has to be counted.

F.    You choose the second Bass that you want to count. (Once you count the second Bass, you are through fishing on that beat).

G.   Bream will count as points. (One point per Bream).

H.   There will be a limit of 10 Bream per beat per team.

I.       You can choose 1 Bream to count in inches. (The Bream must be over  5” in length).



J.      Only 1 Bream out of the 10 per beat per team can be counted in inches.

5.     Beats

A.   Six beats will be set up for the fishing tournament and the two member teams will be spread out on the six beats to fish.

B.   If you fish outside of your beat you will be disqualified.

6.     Flies

A.   You can bring an unlimited number of flies.

B.    You choose what types of flies you want to fish with.

C.   Fishing with a dropper will be allowed.

7.     Other Rules

A.   The club will purchase 6 inexpensive stop watches to time each member while fishing on their beat.

B.    You must land your own fish.

C.   It is the angler’s responsibility to get to the Judge.

D.   The angler must place his own fish in the measuring box.

E.    Any foul hooked fish will not count.

F.    The fish must be hooked in its mouth.

G.   After the fish is measured, upon releasing it back into the water, it must swim away.

H.   If the fish floats after it is released you are disqualified.

I.       As with the Accuracy Casting Competition, if there are any questions that arise and are not covered in the rules the club has voted on, and we have some gray areas, the club agreed to refer back to the original “Fly-Fishing Master Tournament Rules” for the answer.

8.     After Lunch Break

A.   The leading team in inches will be the first team to choose which beat they want to begin fishing on.

B.    After the winning team has chosen their beat, the team in second

     place in inches chooses the beat they want to fish on, and the  

     remainder beats are chosen by the teams in the order of their inches,

     until the last team gets the last beat to fish.









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