Basic Advice on Tying Knots
It is important not only to select the right knot for a particular job but to tie it properly. Poorly Tied knots will mean
lost fish and aggravation. Here are a few basic steps to follow when tying all knots for fly fishing.
Lubricate knots: Before you tighten a knot, lubricate it with saliva or by dipping it in the water. This will
help the knot slide and seat properly. Lubrication also decreases excessive heat which dramatically weakens monofilament.
Heat is generated by the friction created when knots are drawn up tight.
Seat the knot: Tighten knots with a steady, continuous pull. Make sure the knot is tight and secure. After
it is tied, pull on the line and leader to make sure it holds. It is better to test it now than when a fish is on.
Trim neatly: Use nippers to trim the material as close as possible without nicking or damaging the knot.